Easy to Join.
There is no sign up necessary for Carvers or Voting Public. You are automatically a member of the Golden Carver community once you enter a competition!
Find out more: Contest and Membership Details
Join the Community.
Carvers: you know we are a special breed, and often we just tick a little different than others. This community was created by fellow chainsaw carvers to promote chainsaw carving, recognize chainsaw artists, and inspire a new generation of carvers.
Choose your skill level: We offer a semi-pro and a pro level of competition. Each division is tailored to meet the needs of your skill level.
Join the Golden Carver Awards (GCAs) and get to know others, maybe enter some exciting contests, and have fun from anywhere in the world!
Submit your Meet the Carver page info
Email us at GoldenCarverAwards@gmail.com with the subject line “Meet the Carver Information”. Let us know your name, a short biography of your career, where you’re from, and what your business contacts are. Include an action shot of yourself, and photos of three of your pieces you’ve done.